Fire! And Stuff!

This last week has seen  a bit of excitement over at the graphics studio. We finally got our mini-green screen set up, which we immediately began using to….take funky pictures of ourselves that were then imposed on exotic backgrounds.  Behold the glorious Ninja Chip Studios graphics team abusing our new toy! The days following were spent on the actual reason  we got the green screen in the first place; special effects development. Specifically, for fire. What this means is that we spent hours burning stuff and recording it for about four days. The resulting 1,400 + stills of flame will be used to create some of the effects and other animations you’ll find in Aeon: Desolation, and possibly in the next Acorns Above build.

The shoot resulted in some…interesting visuals.

Speaking of Aeon: Desolation, we present to you this in-progress image of a Komthahl Shaman:


  Wondering what a Komthahl is? Well, stay tuned! We are planning on starting a series of lore updates soon to give you  a peak into the Aeon universe.